Thursday, April 2, 2009

Back in the saddle

So the dark of winter, new baby, new baby with heart surgery, and toddler with upcoming heart surgery has nearly derailed my running. I decided to sign up for a May 2 run (5k) to get me back. I started on the treadmill again a couple weeks ago, and ran outside for the first time since October two days ago. I ran 3.1 miles (and was very tired, sore, etc...), but I finished it. Tonight, I'm back on the treadmill with a Bruce Willis movie. Hopefully Saturday I'll be back outside.

I find that outside running is much harder than treadmill, but a lot less tedious. I also find that I do need a goal to work towards, so it is a good idea for me to keep signing up for runs. Now I need to find a nice 10k in September!

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