Monday, September 7, 2009

5.2 knee problems

Did a 5.2 yesterday, no motrin, and no knee problems all day (until late in the day, when I was running around with kids playing football. Not a good idea). Did my leg workout tonight, and feeling good. First day of school tomorrow! I'll do a run tomorrow night to celebrate. Perhaps an hour on the treadmill, because I probably won't be able to get out before dark. I've got to look back at the half-marathon training schedule, to see how far behind I am!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Don't worry about being far behind on the training schedule. I swear that whoever makes them plans that everyone will falter along the way! You will be fine. It's not like you stopped running all together.

Be careful about increasing your mileage. Do it in steps... not all at once.