Monday, February 22, 2010

First set back

February 12th was the first time I ran for distance on my new treadmill. I ran 2 miles straight through....I'm pretty proud of that accomplishment. Since then, I've run 2.1, 2.5, and 3.0 miles, every other day consecutively. I thought I'd make it to 5k with no problem on my next running day. On 2/20, I was all pumped up to run my first 5k. I started out super aggressive. Running a 6 seemed to come easy, although to that point, I had primarily ran at a 5. I ran a 10 minute mile...but at a major price. I pushed myself through ankle pain, which now, two days later is still aggravated just by walking. I should be running today, but that will not be happening. I hope I will be able to run again tomorrow.

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