Sunday, August 9, 2009

Been busy

I was off for a few days, and desperately needed to run, so I ran the treadmill tonight for an hour...5.6 miles. I am finding it interesting that a year ago, 3 miles was a stretch for me. Now, 3 miles doesn't even get me winded! I guess I will stop increasing when I just can't put the time into it, which I think will be somewhere around what I am running for a half. I've heard that the half is the nicest race...hard enough to have to train for, and be impressive, but not so grueling as a full.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Don't you just love that feeling when three miles is "easy"? Whenever I stop running for awhile and pick back up, I can't run three miles. I think that is always my benchmark to know that I am getting back in shape!

It makes me laugh though because when I was in high school, supposedly in shape for sports, I would hate running just one mile! (Although, honestly, to this day I generally hate the first 2-3 miles)