Thursday, April 30, 2009

5k the day after tomorrow!

So I've been working up to it. I ran my longest run so far (5.5 miles) a couple of days ago, and then just ran a bit more (maybe 5.6 mi :) ). It was very hard this time, possibly because it was in the middle of the day and it was sunny (but not too warm...66 deg).

5k should not be a big problem on Saturday, with a day off. My plantar fasciaitis (sp?) has acted up again, and I know I will need to deal with it. I plan on going back to the foot doctor sometime soon.

Although it is uncomfortable, in general, to run, I find that I feel much better later in the day and for a couple of days. The sense of accomplishment is part of it, and being more fit.

I feel, however, that my exercise regimen lacks upper-body work so I want to install a pull-up bar in the basement, and start the P90X exercise program, at least as a guide.

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