Thursday, June 16, 2011

Getting back into it after giving blood last week

Rule #1: don't give blood if you haven't been properly hydrated both the day before and the day of may (will!) faint

Rule #2: don't plan any runs for a couple days afterward

So now we're at a week, and I ran 3.1 miles in 90 degree weather at 3pm.  Tired, sweaty, but a good run.  Not my fastest, but I didn't have to stop.


Not to an institution, but I've signed up for the half-marathon on Sep 25th!   The race is:

Now I have to train!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Mind over matter or why I hate treadmills

So a couple of days ago I was feeling too sick to go running.  Yesterday I thought I was going to be ok, but decided to run on a treadmill in case I didn't feel well.  I ran for a mile, and then stopped.  Today, I was still mixed, feeling about the same as yesterday, but finally convinced myself to run in the nice weather.  I pushed myself through the pain, and ran 5 miles!  Afterward, I felt better than ever.  Of course, at certain points I needed to use my mind to overcome my body, but it was worth it. With a treadmill, that's much harder to's much easier for your mind to win the argument.

Whoever said that running was a mental sport more than a physical sport was absolutely correct.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Another 4.3 today...a little easier

Despite the heat (low 80's) I ran around 11am today, 4.3 miles.  It was hard, but I didn't need to walk any of it.  I still don't know how I'm going to carry water with my longer runs.  I found last time that the fanny pack either bounces too much, or I have to tighten it down too much and I get abdominal pains.  Not good!  A backpack, I think, is a bit overkill and will be lousy as the temperature rises.

Tomorrow looks like I might not be able to fit an outside run, so it may be treadmill time.  Have to look for a good action flick!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Getting back into it...again

So I started getting  back into it this week.  Two days of not quite 3 miles, with walking, then a break day.  Then a day with 3 miles, then 3.5 then 4.3 (a bit too much, and some walking after that).  That was yesterday.  Today is a break.  I'll see how I feel tomorrow.  I've found it hard this time to get back into it--it has felt unnatural for some reason and more of a challenge.  Hopefully this is just because I let it go too much, and not because I'm getting old.  :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Springtime - getting started

So I'm signed up for the St Pats 5k, which is in 2 days.  Because of weather, and scheduling, the race will actually be my first outside run since last year!  Yikes!  This is good, because even if I do terribly, it will get me in gear to train for a half-marathon later.  I'm planning on doing the Rock and Roll Half in Providence, Aug 7.

The training begins!