Saturday, February 27, 2010

4 miles on the treadmill...

...while watching battle scenes from the lord of the rings goes by much faster.  :)  I've been trying to run 4 times a week, with the long run at the end,  but I've only managed to do 3 a week, with the long one 3rd, and sometimes get the 4th in the next week.  I have to basically say that my week starts on Wednesday, because realistically I can't run Tuesdays (classes start at 9am, and I don't finish until 8:30pm).

I've been a bit more sore lately.  I need to stretch more!  That's my biggest failing, because sometimes it feels like it takes forever...just get me to my running already!  I do know if I don't stretch, then I will eventually get inured, which is no good at all.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Break day...and perhaps tomorrow

Ran 5 miles yesterday, and am starting my second week of training.  A break day today after the longest run of the week.  Tuesdays are crazy, and I might not get a chance to run tomorrow night, but I'd like to.  It will make the rest of my week a bit better.

Mind over matter

Back to back posts today. After rereading my previous post, I decided to not make any excuses and to at least get on the treadmill and walk. I walked at a 3 for 2 minutes and noticed that my ankle didn't hurt too bad. I wanted to see if I could do a 5. I ran at a 5 for 2.3 miles. I stopped because of cramping in my side not because of my ankle. I ran basically right after eating, not expecting to accomplish much, hence the side cramp. It felt so good to push through the pain and watch the distance rack up. While running, I called my sister, who is a runner herself, to help distract from the pain and make the run go by more quickly. 8 tenths of a mile went by rather fast while on the phone.

I don't think I would have run today if I had not written that last post. Seeing it down on paper, that I was accepting failure, made me want to give it all I could. I will not sell myself short.

First set back

February 12th was the first time I ran for distance on my new treadmill. I ran 2 miles straight through....I'm pretty proud of that accomplishment. Since then, I've run 2.1, 2.5, and 3.0 miles, every other day consecutively. I thought I'd make it to 5k with no problem on my next running day. On 2/20, I was all pumped up to run my first 5k. I started out super aggressive. Running a 6 seemed to come easy, although to that point, I had primarily ran at a 5. I ran a 10 minute mile...but at a major price. I pushed myself through ankle pain, which now, two days later is still aggravated just by walking. I should be running today, but that will not be happening. I hope I will be able to run again tomorrow.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

And the Season Begins...

Last week I mailed in the registration and fees for my two spring races, so I supposed it is time to get back to training. The Shamrock Run is a 4 mile run through the Irish section of town on March 6, and the Mountain Goat Run is THE run to do in Syracuse- 10 miles of hills on May 2.

The weeks and months that have passed since the Newport half-marathon have been quite interesting. I kept up running between 16-20 miles per week after a week of rest post-Newport, but the search for a job, the holidays, and a terrible cold and sinus infection, and the search for a job (still) got the better of me, so I feel like I am starting from scratch again!

I have been picking up the training, doing alternating days of running and cross training (mostly elliptical and bike) indoors. It has been too windy and slushy to get outside. As usual, I am battling sore knees, which I am trying to get better by strengthening.

Official training for the Mountain Goat begins on March 15. Until then, I will continue to build my base and work on overall fitness! Haven't thought about goals for the race. That will have to wait until I get a job!

Good luck to everyone in your training!

Friday, February 19, 2010

4 miles and not speeding

As I was heading back on the 2nd half of my 4-mile run, I ran past one of those machines the police put up to broadcast your speed to show you whether you're going too fast.  I wasn't breaking any speed limits, but I did register at 6 mph!  :)

It was a little windy today, but not so cold.  As seems typical of my runs now, the first mile or so are really tough but then I get into the rhythm or something and the last parts of the run are not as bad.  I'm starting to notice the switchover from being limited by cardio (getting winded) towards being limited by my legs tiring.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

So it begins

I'm nearing the end of my first week of training. This is the first time I've trained for something that no one has suggested for me. I've always been content to take advice and live a "sensible" life, as it was labeled, to pursue only my strengths and not waste my time on things that will never amount to anything. I asked myself a few months ago, what else is there for me? I'm married, I have a beautiful son, nice house/nice cars, I've climbed the professional ladder quickly only to find myself stepping off it for a while to reassess things. What is really important in life? We only get one life and I'm going to start living! That is why the running began. I'm not trying to impress anyone....I run for me.

I began casually running in November 09. With the new year ringing in, I decided that signing up for a 10K would be my first step towards committing to my new year's push myself outside of my box. I purchased a NordicTrack 2550A in January, which was finally functional on February 10th. I'm signed up for a 10K on May 31st. I still can't believe I'm doing this.

This is getting long winded and I've got to go get the little one ready for bed. Next time, I'll blog about my progress so far. Peace out!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Treadmill vs Outside

So I ran twice on the treadmill and twice outside this week.  I have to say that outside running is ultimately more satisfying, but much harder!  Part of it is the wind but I don't think that accounts for it all.  For some reason the treadmill seems more repetitive, so perhaps it is the small side-to-side adjustments you have to make outside that you don't with a treadmill that makes a difference.

I won't run in the rain, by choice, unless it is a race but I will run in the cold and (now) the dark, with a headlamp.  It is harder to motivate myself to get outside, but once outside is it much easier to motivate myself to finish a hard run.  It's too easy on a treadmill to call it quits early, because I'm already at home.  If I tried that with an outside run, I'd be stopping a mile away from home!

A week off, a week on

Just finished my final 30-minute pre-training run.   It was outside, cold and windy.  I ran today without a jacket, because I'd been too warm by the end of the run yesterday with a jacket.  The first 1.5 miles were *cold*!!  Although I warmed up by the end, I'm not sure it was a good choice to not wear a jacket.

Now on to the half-marathon training!  (my schedule can be found here: