Saturday, July 12, 2008

2 mi in 20 minutes

So I did 2 miles in 20 minutes.  My foot is feeling better by the day, although it still hurts in the morning and occasionally through the day.  When it does, I stretch for a while, and the pain goes away.  I am doing Motrin in the morning before I run, but none at any other time.  

I took the girls for a short bike ride today, about 45 minutes, and a picnic in the park.  I found biking around the neighborhood to not be nearly as much exercise as running.  One can almost always choose to coast, and one is forced to stop or slow way down at each intersection.  With running, I'm able to maintain a good pace throughout the entire workout, and I'm able to push myself consistently.  Running also gets my heart rate up without hills, so I find that with biking my legs tire before I get winded.

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