Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lousy run... :(

I took a week off, to see if my foot would get better.  My first run was today, and I was stopped after 1 mile and walked back, because of my injury.  What's new right now is a peculiar cramp in my calf, which I am certain is a by-product of the plantar fascia injury, where the calf seems "weak"...it doesn't support weight well.  Weird!  Most of the time I don't feel it, more than a twinge, and I am not sure whether it is because of over compensating for my foot, or something else.  At any rate, I am going to see a podiatrist next week to get a clear answer, and hopefully a solution.

I tried to get my altitude on the website you posted, Bill, but it wouldn't give me altitude information.  I guess Rhode Island is a little too flat.  :)

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