Sunday, February 14, 2010

Treadmill vs Outside

So I ran twice on the treadmill and twice outside this week.  I have to say that outside running is ultimately more satisfying, but much harder!  Part of it is the wind but I don't think that accounts for it all.  For some reason the treadmill seems more repetitive, so perhaps it is the small side-to-side adjustments you have to make outside that you don't with a treadmill that makes a difference.

I won't run in the rain, by choice, unless it is a race but I will run in the cold and (now) the dark, with a headlamp.  It is harder to motivate myself to get outside, but once outside is it much easier to motivate myself to finish a hard run.  It's too easy on a treadmill to call it quits early, because I'm already at home.  If I tried that with an outside run, I'd be stopping a mile away from home!

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