Monday, September 8, 2008

Great Race et al.

Couple of miles... thank god, I've gotten through the anti-procrastination book I was reading. (The Now Habit.) Lots of good ideas but the writing style could kill an elephant. :) Today, I was back to the Alabama 3. I don't think I ever realized that the Sopranos theme is about suicide before today.

So, I went out to find a race on the 21st without much luck in Pittsburgh. Perhaps I
ll do my own little course with Brian on the 21st. On the other hand, the following weekend is the Great Race, which is a big Pittsburgh event every year! I had no idea it was so late. How exciting! In the past, I've just gone out to cheer strangers on, and it might be more fun to run it. Question is whether to do the 5k or 10k. Turns out to be downhill, on average, and just over six miles. Think I probably won't go that way, since it really wasn't the training goal.

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