Monday, September 7, 2009

12 Down 1.1 to Go

On Saturday night I ran 12 miles. The course took me out to DeWitt and then back to the city on rolling hills, and it seemed a lot more uphill than downhill. This is the farthest I've ever run, and after running 12 I question whether I could ever run a full marathon. The first 7 or so miles weren't too bad, but on the way back I had to run on sidewalks because it was pretty dark and that just absolutely killed my knees. It is really frustrating to feel fully in control of your cardiovascular system but not in control over the aches and pains in the knees, ankles, etc. Oh well, I suppose with a little (or a lot) of Motrin I will be able to get through 13.1 next weekend.


bblais said...

Great! I forgot that you're doing a half next week. Good luck! All of the training schedules I've seen said to take it easy the last week before the half.

I understand your frustration with knees and ankles. Glad it isn't just old age. :)

Becky said...

Yeah, my schedules too.

The schedule that I am using right now though has a 13 mile run scheduled for this Saturday. So, I am going to use this half as more of a "training run" than actually a race! It will be the longest I do before Newport.