Saturday, July 25, 2009

A bit over 4 miles

So I ran a bit over 4 miles in 43 minutes today, listening to LOTR so I run a bit slower than with music. Yesterday I just rested: I was really sore! :)

On days like that, with the various pains and my plantar always there in the background, I can't help but wonder if this is good for me. There have been times when I felt like that, ran anyway, and felt better so I think my body just has to get used to it.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Do you do any cross-training or only running? I was having knee problems in the spring and traded two running days for cross training and it has been so much better. My cross training is usually rollerblading or elliptical at the gym... sometimes 9 holes of golf (which counts, right?)