Friday, August 28, 2009

Foiled again!

Nice weather, thought I'd run 5 miles, or at least 3-4. My knee wasn't getting better, but not any worse, so I started to run. It seemed ok. I decided to stretch around the 1 mile mark, both as a break, and to stretch warmer muscles. After than, whoa! The knee pain came back with a vengeance, and I ended up getting to about 2 miles, and then walking (and limping) 2 miles back. I have a guess that the particular stretches actually made it worse. I am going to change that, and I plan to keep up with the schedule of alternating days, knee exercises and run.

It really is frustrating though. :(


Becky said...

Ice... ice... ice... It's a pain the butt, but it really helps.

I like to use a bag of frozen peas held to my knee with an ace bandage.

bblais said...

So I ice after a workout, but should I ice during the day? Today, for example, my knee hurts going downstairs, and a little walking around. I took two motrin, and that helps a lot. Should I ice whenever it hurts?

Fun Fun!

Becky said...

Definitely ice after a run, but if you have other time to ice it is a good thing to do. Keep it on for about 15-20 minutes.