Monday, August 24, 2009

Time Keeps on Ticking...

Well, this is the first time in forever that I am uninjured minus a blister on my foot... but now it seems that my biggest enemy is time. I don't feel like there are enough hours in the day, and I really don't have any excuses. I don't have anyone at home to take care of. It's just me and my dissertation (and golf!). There are only three weeks until the ARC half marathon. I am not going for time on this run, but I am getting really worried about finishing. I did one 10 mile long run a few weeks ago, but between heat and orientation I haven't added any miles!

I am going to continue along with the training course that I have been on and I think that I should be fine (injuries pending) for Newport. So to start this week, I did an hour on the elliptical. And tomorrow is a 5 mile run.

I need some motivation to get my butt out of bed in the morning to run!!

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