Thursday, August 13, 2009

Running or Sleep

That seems to be the choice I have a lot of the time. WIth 3 kids, I can't really run in the middle of the day. Even when I am teaching, during one of my non teaching days, I can't do it because I need the time to get research done. Except for the weekend, I am left with either running starting at 8pm or at 5am. I hadn't felt that this was particularly hard, until my standard run became an hour, and my longer runs closer to 2. Yesterday, I chose sleep instead of a morning run because I just felt that I needed the sleep. Sometimes at night I am tired, and want to go to bed early. It really is turning into a choice between sleep and running, which is a difficult struggle!

Last night I ran 7 miles on the treadmill until boredom finally won over.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I have a ton of respect for runners who have to balance families. I have a hard enough time to fit in running and I don't have anyone else to really be accountable to!