Friday, May 9, 2008

Day off!

Yesterday was great. Since I didn't have to be up early, I slept in (until 5:45.) It was one of those great dripping grey mornings. Kept me nice and cool and I think encouraged me to run a bit further, perhaps. (Although it also plagued me a bit with nagging concerns about one of the brick columns in the front of the house which is slowly dissolving in the rain.) I have to say that this early morning running is ideal. It's much better than the last time I took running up, mostly in mid-day. It feels like it provides a stiller foundation for the day ahead.

By mid-day yesterday, I was limping around. I foolishly felt that the shoes I had, and have been intermittently running with since the early 90s, were fine. Well, they were. Nice Saucony's. The foot attached to the let that I broke a few years back really started causing me some pain. Even this morning, (Friday), it was enough for me not to go out. But it didn't stop me from driving out to REI to take advantage of the sale and get a new pair. Older brother, Bob, has since told me that the new ones are a little dicey, although they came really highly rated and my general sense is that they are going to be worlds better than what I've been using. In the meanwhile, loading up on "Vitamin I" and looking forward to the new shoes!

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