Wednesday, May 7, 2008

(First run) '

It's been toooo long. Although I'm often up in the wee hours, to be up and out at this time of the morning... years. The trees around the house are silly with song birds. I can hear them from up the street, from the yards of all of those houses that don't have song birds. I can't quite decide if they're better off for it at this time of the morning, when I'm still in bed. But hearing them from the outside is different. It's still dark, and I can just see their dark outlines on the wire. I can identify only the cardinal by sound, thanks to one of Hazel's toys from the Audobon Society, although a number of the other birds are equally persistent.
Running was nice, too. The first day is, I know. I ran something around 25 minutes, stopping to struggle up the hills, then running down the hills. It's an early work day, and the clock just chimed, so I'm off to prepare now , thinking about Brian doing the same thing 10 hrs. to the East. (Longer if one were to run.)

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