Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More running than walking

For the first time I am doing more running than walking, 4 min run/3 min walk x 4.  My foot is feeling a bit better today than it has been.

I have noticed all the uses of the word "run" in the random music I put on my mp3 player.  I also get flashbacks to the 500 yard run/walk as part of the presidential fitness award program I did in elementary school.  I was really good at situps at that time, but to even get through the 500 yards was a huge task for me.  I remember once, in 5th grade, measuring my heart rate well into the 200s.  It was part of an ongoing project to measure heart rate before and after exercise, and one day it went off the chart! (I had to tack on 2 extra sheets of graph paper).  In hindsight, the teacher probably should have brought me to the nurse, but I imagine he chalked it up to bad measurement.

The weather has been cooperating perfectly for the runs.

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